
Adolescent Behavior

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Applied Conceptual Influences Jennie Golden-Wear Aspen University Concepts and Theories in Nursing June 04, 2012 Applied Conceptual Influences Nursing theorist have over time provided incredible structure by conceptual influence in developing theory utilized in nursing education and practice. This paper will explore a variety of nursing theories including that of Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, and Lydia Hall. Developing care plans and referencing case studies, the theories of Hiligard Peplau, Joyce Travelbee, and Ida Jean Orlando will also be observed. This exploration is meant to enlighten the reader of theories structuring nursing as a practice. Case study #1 The following case study is based on community …show more content…

This approach of individualization is supported by Weidenbach’s theory, (Parker &smith, 2010) in forming a care plan, Henderson’s components of basic care offer appropriate guide for application. Altered patterns of urinary elimination related to retention and frequency of urination. Anxiety related to knowledge deficit. Subjective data: complaints of blood tinged urine, incomplete emptying of bladder, burning on urination reported pain rated 5 on 1-10 scale Objective Data: VS: HR83, BP132/62, 02 saturation 98%, RR18, Temp101.4, no known drug allergies, urine appears dark amber, lab values: microscopic urinalysis (UA), WBC (too many to count), Bacteria (4+), negative for proteins, ketones and nitrites. Trace of blood, Culture and sensitivity testing indicates growth of e-coli, (Ramont, Niedringhaus, Towle, 2010). Nursing Outcomes: Patient will maintain urine out put greater than 30cc per hour. Patient will increase oral intake of water, repeated UA will indicate decreased bacteria in urine. Patient will report increased comfort. Nursing Interventions: Antibiotics will be given as ordered. IV fluids will be administered increasing volume and to assist elimination process. Strict intake and output will be monitored. Sitz bath and topical antiseptics will be assisted in treating perinea discomfort. Patient teaching: assuring anxious patient that education about how to avoid these issues is most effective long-term.

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