
Adoption: Genetic Disorders And Abortion

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The definition of being a human has many variations, perceptions, and opinions, creating debate and conflict surrounding the controversial area of abortion. According to the Criminal Code of Canada a child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not, it has breathed, has independent circulation, or the naval string is severed (Fisher, 2013). Although this is the current law, restrictions are beginning to be sought for, especially in regards to genetic disorders and abortion. Now more than ever our society faces a pressure in the pursuit of perfectness, and anything outside of the binary is not generally accepted. Like gender selective abortion, …show more content…

In addition to this quality of life is often lowered, but still has the potential to give individuals a fulfilling life. Although many pro-life supporters agree with the right to choose, many become uncomfortable when the issue of abortion is used to pick and choose children. Restrictions must be set in place to regulate selective genetic disorder abortion, by examining the discrimination against the disabled, quality of life, adoption possibilities, informed consent, the right to life debate, pre-screening and genetic enhancement of disabilities, and moral theories to backing this argument up, while providing evidence to support the opposition to genetic selective …show more content…

Disabilities can vary from individual to individual, but what does quality of life truly look like in the face of disability. The term undue hardship can provide a good understanding of the line between unable and unwilling to accommodate. Undue hardship can be defined as the inability to accommodate due to costs, or difficulty, upon the individual either emotionally, mentally, or physically (Dyck, 2013). Although this is often used in a business sense, it can equally apply, and provide a fair judgement of how to regulate restrictions. Although a family may not be able to take on the undue hardship of an infant with a disability, there are many families that can. Following the baby doe case, many potential families came forward looking to adopt, this is significant due to the attitudes and resources provided by those needed to sustain an infant’s life, and lessens the challenge of ongoing care when parents may decide to stop treatment (Fisher, 2013). Adoption provides a sound basis, and strong argument for the other courses of action to be followed, allowing the best possible option for both parent and child. The quality of a fetus’s life is also a large debate, relying largely on case by case scenarios. If a fetus has a good overall prognosis and can still live a functional life with their disability, there

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