
Advanced Nursing Practice.

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I would like to explore the different fields of Advanced Nursing Practice.

The four that I will address are the Nurse Anesthetist, the Clinical Nurse Specialist, the Nurse Practitioner and the Nurse Mid-wife.

Advanced Practice Nurses are Registered Nurses with specialty training at the master 's-degree level, in primary care settings, such as the Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives and acute care of inpatients, such as the Clinical Nurse Specialists and in operating rooms, such as Nurse Anesthetists. This has opened a door in the nursing field. Nurses ' roles are no longer limited. Nurses now have opportunities to advance their career and expand their roles. Advanced Practice Nurses can be more directly involved in patient care …show more content…

"They are also more likely to provide disease-prevention counseling, health education, and health-promotion activities, as well as to know about and use community resources, such as nutrition programs, self-help or group therapy, and parenting and stress-reduction programs" (Mandelblatt 1993). Clinical Nurse Specialists are also proving that high-quality, cost-effective care can be given in place of medical care of inpatients who are stable (Knickman 1992).

The role of Advanced Practice Nursing continues to change and develop. In the past few years, state legislatures authorized Nurse Practitioners to receive direct payment and write prescriptions. These changes have increased the Nurse Practitioner 's independence. This has resulted in Nurse Practitioners establishing independent practices that provide the same health care of primary care physicians, or they can also work in practices where the Nurse Practitioner and the doctor care for patients together (Spitzer 1974). "Many states are increasing the level of authority and reimbursement for Nurse Practitioners. Most private insurance companies and health maintenance organizations cover the services of Nurse Practitioners (Pearson 1993). Some blame the nursing shortage partly on Advanced Practice Fields. Registered Nurses are obtaining their master 's degree in order to earn more money and have more opportunities.

A conceptual framework for advanced practice: The skills and knowledge base of

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