
Advantage Of Glulam

Satisfactory Essays

After some study of the literature, the author has identified all the advantages of glulam as a building material of architecture and structure. To find out the level of glucose exposure in the construction industry in malaysia, the authors have asked questions about glulam benefits in which all the answers provided are true. By providing answers that give respondents the opportunity to answer more than 1 answer, the authors have identified that still many people or workers in the construction industry in malaysia are not aware of the actual benefits of this glulam material.
This is evident when only 20 out of 95 respondents answered all the answers with glucose benefits, and some respondents agreed that glulam had no fire resistance as well …show more content…

In addition, from this point the writer also has some inputs on the use of glulam as a building structure extensively when it comes to encouraging support from respondents, where the highest percentage and the second highest tell about the benefits of glulam is the high level of flexibility and versatility and its use for stretched structures

Viewed from some glucose-related questions, the authors find that the construction industry in Malaysia is still underdeveloped in terms of the benefits and actual uses of glulam materials in both architectural and structural aspects. As an example is taken from the question where the author asks for the practical stage of this material to be used as the main structure of a wide-ranging building in malaysia, the majority of the respondents respond as likely to be practical. From the feedback it shows a low level of public confidence in this material.

With regards to the availability of glulam material in malaysia, the observation made by the writer of the glulam material suppliers is still incompatible with suppliers of other building materials such as iron. Feedback from respondents also assured authors with an average level of availability of this material at a rate of 3 out of 5. Among the conclusions that can be made is that, due to the lack of demand causes less supplier of this

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