
Advantages And Benefits Of Training For Employees

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1.8.1b2 Advantages of training for employees Training holds a prevalence for the individual employee and the employer alike. Some of the advantages for employees include the following (Shaw et al. 2009). Training of employees helps improve decision-making and problem solving, well trained employees usually shows greater productivity and high-quality work output. Employee recognition and growth are the results of a well-defined training intervention that enhances the sense of achievement and allows them to acquire more responsibilities. When employees are trained they are well able to handle work stress, tension and conflict, job satisfaction can also be increased as well as improving knowledge, communication skills and attitudes. 1.8.1b3 Benefits of training for the organisation Employee training not only contributes towards benefiting individual, but also to the organization, allowing it to continue operating effectively. Improved profitability and service delivery (Morrison et al.2010) The following are the benefits of training for the organisation, training helps Improve the morale of the workforce, it better corporate image. It helps maintain healthy working relationship between supervisors and subordinate whiles merging the gap between the working hierarchy, productivity and quality are not compromised and work …show more content…

While (Chowdhury 2014) states that Training, on the other hand, is single-dimensional and depends essentially on what has been referred to as the 'production-centred' approach. The 'person-centred' and 'problem-solving' approaches are commonly missing from traditional HRD programmes. The traditional employment relationship performance orientation is reliant almost exclusively on precisely developing the technical skills of employees (Vakola et

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