
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Audiovisual Translation

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Audiovisual translation is a branch of Translation Studies which is involved with the transfer of a multimodal text into another language, which means that its production relies on the combined deployment of semiotic modes such as language, music, and images which are delivered to the viewer through various media in a synchronized matter (Baker 13). In other words, it is most usually understood as the interlingual transfer of verbal language transmitted and accessed both visually and acoustically through any sort of electronic device with a screen (Chiaro 141); most often with reference specifically to the translation of audiovisual products such as films and tv series. This means, that both the auditory and visual channels convey the message …show more content…

Many discussions about which of these modes are “better” have already been debated but as Díaz Cintas argues, it should be mentioned that what matters is that these modes represent different translation practices and that different genres and audiences often call for different modes, thus “all have their pros and cons, and they all have their place in the booming audiovisual industry” (Díaz Cintas, “New Trends” …show more content…

The translation is hugely influenced by which mode is being used as different methods and restrictions apply, nevertheless, some general assertions about AVT can be made. Chiefly that the translation of audiovisual products differs from translation of print texts since written products are meant to be read whereas e.g. TV shows are especially meant to be seen since, as the term suggests, they are audiovisual in nature. Consequently, this means that the material is polysemiotic (see fig.4) – functioning on more than just one level, using different codes to produce a complex meaning, even though the translation itself is principally concerned with conveying the verbal code too (Chiaro 142). In any case, the nature of audiovisual products calls for redefining of the concept of “meaning” as in these products meaning is not generated only by verbal signs but instead it is based on the total sum of verbal utterances and non-verbal signs (Gambier and Gottlieb xviii). Thus, translators of

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