
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Composting

Decent Essays

Composting is the controlled decompsition of organic materials such as manures and other organic matter. Composting involves a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological transformations of the feedstock. Mesoorganism like worms and milipeds, can break down larger agggregates of organic matter mostly by mechanical means. Chemical transformations in the composting process are mediated by microorganisms, primarily bacteria and fungi. The main components of compost are degradation product of plant and body matter. Composting gives many advantages like, keep the proper managemement of animal waste, keep environment clean, and control the pathogen.
The quality of the compost is determined by many factors such as pH and moisture. pH is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity or hydrogen ion activity of compost, the scale 7 is considered as a neutral pH. A pH of less than seven means that substance is acidic while a value above seven that it is alkaline. Most finished composts are about to be in neutral pH within range from 6-8. However the initial pH of the manure compost will be more alkaline, with a pH as high as 8.5. Microorganism in compost will grow and multiply within the pH range from 5.5 to 8. The organic acids are formed in the initial stages of the aerobic decomposition process and these acidic conditions favor the growth of fungi …show more content…

Composting organic waste allows for decomposing the organic materials into a more compact form of management (Tognetti et al.,2011). Compost has been used at the household or small farm level for recyling of organic matter and nutrients for thousands of years. Since the late 20th century, more and more large-scale composting facilities wre established to manage and recycel organic waste from farm areas. Particularly, in recent years, these composting activities have been viewed as promising efforts to reduce waste streams to landfills and manage waste in a more sustainable

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