
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Iep Meeting

Satisfactory Essays

Each public agency must take steps to ensure that one or both of the parents of a child with a disability are present at each IEP Team meeting or are afforded the opportunity to participate (300.322)
This means that the school should notify the parents with enough time in advance that parents will be able to make it to the meeting. In addition to that, the school should schedule the meeting at a place that is agreed upon by all parties. If a member of the IEP team cannot make the IEP meeting, then the school has to find and use other methods to connect all participants to the IEP meeting. IDEA allows members of the IEP team such as parents to uses alternatives methods such as video and conference calls to ensure participation (300.322). IDEA only allows these alternatives if all parties agree on it. …show more content…

This is because there are language barriers that hinder the IEP team from effectively communicating with one another. In this case special considerations must be made for those whose primary language is not english. Many schools will seek an school employee that can act as a translator between all parties. If that is not an option the school will go to an outside agency and request a translator. Although creating Individualized Education Plans is time consuming and complex process, IEPs are helpful tools that help educators define the needs of students with disabilities in order to better meet their academic and social

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