
Florida 's Laws Regarding The Instruction Of Exceptional Students

Decent Essays

Florida’s laws regarding the instruction of Exceptional students (Fla. Stat. 1003.57) reflect the national IDEA rulings. In addition, they specify that each school district must be in compliance with state law and provide not only instruction, but also the professional services for diagnosis and evaluation of student needs. Florida law requires that the student be served in regular school facilities if at all possible and that the facilities and services must be modified to meet the needs of the students. Segregation into self-contained classrooms is allowed only when evidence exists that the student cannot succeed in a regular class.
Each student receiving special education services must have an individualized education plan (IEP) …show more content…

At the present, the following elements are required in an IEP:
1. The student’s present level of academic performance and functional performance and a statement of how the disability affects the student’s involvement and progress in the general education curriculum. Preschool children must have a statement explaining how the disability affects the child’s participation in appropriate activities.
2. A statement of annual goals or anticipated attainments.
3. Short-term objectives are no longer required on every IEP. Students with severe disabilities or those taking an alternate assessment may need short-term objectives, which lead to the attainment of annual goals.
4. A statement of when the parents will be notified of their child’s progress, which must be at least as often as the regular education student.
5. Modifications or accommodations for participation in statewide or districtwide assessments, or if it is determined that the child cannot participate, why the assessment is inappropriate for the child and how the child will be assessed.
6. Specific educational services, assistive technology, and related services to be provided and those who will provide them.
7. Evaluate criteria and timeliness for determining whether instructional objectives have been achieved.
8. Projected dates for initiating services, along with their

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