
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Planning Process

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Planning in layman terms is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities or steps required to achieve the desired results. Planning has a specific process and is necessary for fields like business and management. Planning is preparing of sequence of action steps to achieve a pre-set goal, therefore planning is an important task in project management.
Planning is basic management function which involves preparation of more than one detailed plans to achieve maximum balance of needs and demands with the available resources. The planning process ascertains the goals and objectives to be achieved, conceptualise strategies to achieve those goals and objectives, arranges the means required to put the plan in work and implement, directs …show more content…

Short-sightedness: Short-sightedness is a barrier to effective planning when managers focus on day to day operations of the organization rather than focussing on the broader, long-term objectives.
3. Negativity: Another obstacle to effective planning is he negativity in the minds of executive management. The lack of positive ideas and suggestions for the future can hamper the process of planning and eventually threaten to stop it altogether.
4. Communication: The inability to communicate goals and objectives can jeopardize the planning process. Communication obstacles can come from language or cultural differences, or poor communication skills of the policy maker.
5. Poor leadership: Insecure and instable leaders are a roadblock in the planning process. A leader who cannot be approached by his employees will be incapable of collecting ideas that are essential for planning.
6. Lack of creativity: Creativity is one of the most important traits of a successful business organization, a business model can be relevant for years but it has to be creatively evolving over the time. The organizations that cannot incorporate creativity cannot incorporate planning.
1.1.4 Planning Premises
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Demand of products
2. Tangible and intangible premises: Tangible premises are quantitative in nature and can be measured and intangible premises are qualitative in nature and cannot be measured. For example, population growth, industry demand and the investment made in the company are all tangible premises. Political and sociological factors, business and economic conditions, and behaviour of the owners of the organization are all intangible premises.
3. Controllable and non-controllable premises: Some planning premises are controllable and some are non-controllable. Controllable factors are those that does not disrupt the well-laid out calculations of the organization and they can be contained with ease. For example, advertising policy, executive management, labour force skill and availability of resources. Uncontrollable factors are those which force the management to revise the plans at intervals in accordance with the current scenario. For example, man-made and natural calamities, government policies and economic conditions.
1.1.5 Business

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