
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Social Media

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In August 6, 1991 Tim Berners Lee launched the first-ever World Wide Web site online (Inventor of World Wide Web Receives ACM A.M. Turing Award. April 4, 2017). Which had two main functions in which we’re to how to access another individuals file or document and to learn how to set up a personal server. Moreover, after 1991 technology has had technological advancements and improvements. The creation of Web 2.0 (Wikis, Blogs & Web 2.0 technology, 2008) allowed anyone to establish, create and share online information or express a certain opinion without any required usage of skill. Social Media in the twenty first century is the main platform for communication and staying updated with the latest pieces of information, such as academic articles, journals, books and much more. The purpose of this review is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of social media in politics and to explain how politics can be promoted in a stable situation and how politics can be manipulated by social media. The definition of social media is the sharing, creating and exchanging of different ideas, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blog groups and many other virtual communities or networks (Social Media Overview). Social media has become a main platform by politicians to let individuals join or participate in political engagement. (Kim & Chen, 2016) discussed that a new political participation established in digital media in which is called online participation, in which an

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