
Advantages of Festivals

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Advantages of Festivals - 1 Festivals celebration is the the culture we got from our past generations.According to the history these festivals are celebrated when they achieve something (symbol of victory),or on the occasions where they are benefited (crop gain,happy with some gatherings etc). These festival celebrattions have got following advantages: 1. Increase the relations among the people 2. Create an opportunity to the people of community to share their feeling and exchange their ideas and thoughts.Additional help to discuss their problems also. 3.If we consider the families , they gather together and have some fun with all the relatives which is a great mental relaxation and enrich family relations. 4.Will help to be happy at …show more content…

e as one interactive platform that could open the door to the vivid festivals of India, providing the detailed information regarding the rituals, traditions and legends of the

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