
Adversity: Growing Up With Mental Illness

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Adversity; a noun meaning a difficulty or struggle. Growing up with severe anxiety caused numerous social issues, academic stresses, and hardships in all areas of my life. Until my junior year of high school I never realized how unusual my stress level was until I received a prescription for Lexapro, a medicine used to treat depression and anxiety, two mental illnesses I have long struggled with. Although mental illness comes with a stigma that it is just mental, in reality mental illness is uncontrollable. Just admitting to my problem acted a big step in my triumph over mental illness.
Through becoming involved in my school and community I became increasingly outgoing and overcame my anxiety. Ever since childhood I have been labeled as the quiet one who hardly spoke- I specifically remember going to school on the first day of sixth grade and being almost in tears because I felt so nervous about making new friends. When school activities began in 8th and 9th grade determination struck involving myself in as many endeavors as I could, even through the nervousness about not being the best or having friends on the team. Throughout my high school career I filled my days with volleyball, show choir, speech, ACE, church, and many more engaging activities. By being involved in these activities I have made my closest friends in high …show more content…

High school is stressful for any student, but add extracurriculars and anxiety on top of that, and you have a recipe for disaster. Countless shed tears, lost hours of sleep, and hours of homework have gone into maintaining a 4.157 GPA; something I feel insanely proud of. Although at times I feel as if I can’t push through and feel like giving up, I must remember that the joy of seeing the grades I invested so much time in on my transcript make all the dedication and backbreaking work worth

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