
Advocacy Coalition Framework Essay

Decent Essays

An individual is part of a complex, interactive world where policy decisions require coordination with other individuals to produce policy outputs. These complex human interactions can conflict with the interests, goals, expectations, beliefs, and institutional experiences of other individuals in the policy subsystem. This paper evaluates the assumptions of the individual in the policy process and demonstrates that an individual is a rational-bounded goal-oriented, strategic, and actor. The paper first lays out the assumptions of the individual. Next, it looks at the goal-oriented person in the multiple streams approach (MSA). Then, the paper evaluates the strategic individual in the advocacy coalition framework (ACF), followed by the bounded-rational actor in the institutional analysis and development framework (IAD). The paper concludes by highlighting why understanding the assumptions of individuals produces a better understanding of the successes and failures of the policy process. …show more content…

At the center of this framework is what Kingdon (1995) labels policy entrepreneurs who take action to set the agenda for policy change when a policy window opens. However, Oborn, Barrett, and Exworthy (2011), in studying London’s health reform, argues that strategic policy entrepreneurs do not have to wait for a policy window to open in order to form a policy network or re-define new and existing problems. Strategic policy entrepreneurs couple the “streams” of policy, politics, and problems achieving their goal of good public policy (Kingdon 1995). A key is the agency of the policy actor to engage stakeholders and define the policy context, thus, a skilled entrepreneur can “crack open” a window (Oborn, Barrett, and Exworthy 2011). On the other hand, an entrepreneur may not create a window of opportunity but has acquired the resources and support to take advantage when an opportunity

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