
Affirmative Action

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Professor Name
11th November 2011
Affirmative Action

Thesis: Affirmative Action has helped many women and minorities in entering the job market. Although there has been a lot of hue and cry regarding the benefits of the affirmative action and the suitability of candidates selected thorough affirmative action; research has shown that affirmative action is beneficial and the candidates of affirmative action perform as well as those who are selected through the normal process. I. An overview of affirmative action and the different viewpoints presented by different groups. II. Reasons for affirmative action by corporate III. The History of Affirmative action and how it was started. IV. …show more content…

Holzer and Neumark have gone one step forward in their study and have tried to analyze the fate of women and minority employees who had been hired by firms in order to fulfill their obligations under the affirmative action order. They found that women and minority employees performed as well as their white male counterparts if all of them had the same educational qualifications. They also concluded in their study that firms which had objective methods of analyzing employee’s performance saw more number of women high performers than those who simply depended on the rating given by superiors. Thus this study proves that if objective HR practices are followed and personal biases of the reporting managers are removed; women and minority employees perform as well as male counterparts. Their study also suggests that following affirmative action consistently makes a firm more impartial and the bias is more or less removed after the initial reluctance. One of the major points of argument lately has been the glass ceiling which women employees have to face in Corporate America. People have claimed that there is a barrier which prevents women from reaching the upper echelons. Unfortunately

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