A more affordable college tuition is within our grasp, to put in place it we only need willing politicians to propose the idea, or plan to congress. I believe that college should not be for those who can afford its cost out of pocket or make you go into debt to get a degree that would help you provide for yourself. Higher education needs to be reformed so that it is accessible to anyone and everyone without plunging those who seek it into debt.
A college education is necessary to get a job that pays well, or to get any good job. Any, and every job that is ‘worth’ having requires some type of higher education, whether it relates to the job or to show general experience, a degree is required. “This calls for greater access to a college or university
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Most of the people that say this, though, come from wealth and could afford their education. “It’s completely unfair to take money from people who worked for it to hand it to other people who didn’t. Full stop, no excuses. Every time some politician comes up with some new thing to “give” to people, I want to start earning all my money on the black market and hiding it under the mattress.” (Ten Quick Reasons ‘Free Community College’ Is A Rotten Idea). Already, from the start of this excerpt from the article titled “Ten Quick Reasons ‘Free community college’ Is A Rotten Idea” stating that “it’s unfair to take money from people who worked for it to hand it to other people who didn’t” knocking the idea of tax funded institutions, like college would be if it were to ever become free, or have it’s price reduced. Though, if the author, Joy Pullmann, in effect is also making it seem as though places like the DMV, which is funded by tax dollars, steal money from people. Joy Pullmann, also assumes that students don’t work hard, most college students today have a menial job to help pay for their everyday expenses on top of their grueling coursework they have to complete before their class next meets. It is unfair to say that those who would like to go to college deserve to go into debt to get their education, to get a job to provide for themselves & their family. “College freshmen—and this includes those in four-year colleges and universities, so it’s far worse for existing community college-goers—on average read at a seventh grade level. Now take a look at this 1912 eighth-grade entrance exam for high school. Some parts are archaic, so just look at the grammar or geography sections. Think people who read at a seventh grade level can comprehend the test, much less pass it? Me,
In the United States, college should remain an accessible opportunity for Americans. Any one who is willing to put in the hard work and effort to make their future better, should be secured an education. A college education is important to one 's future and can make a huge difference in how successful someone can become. There have been multiple presidents and politicians offer a solution to higher education costs being so high. The solution is to make taxpayers fund the tuition dollars. The tuition for college and universities everywhere should be shared between the government, students and families, states, and the colleges and universities themselves. College should be more affordable, but it should not be 100% taxpayer-funded tuition.
College tuition is too high. Since the demand for an education and the supply of schools are both high, cost should be low. What we see,
In the essay “College Value Goes Deeper Than the Degree” author Eric Hoover claims a college education is important to one 's well-being so they can get a job and be productive in other parts of life. Promoters of higher education have long emphasized how beneficial college’s value and its purpose. Many believe the notion that colleges teach students are life skills to apply anywhere, they also work hard to earn a degree and learn specific marketable skills which they can use to get a good job. Though obtaining a college education and a degree is helpful in countless of ways, it is not necessary to pursue a college degree in world where a college degree is seen different now, people without turn out fine, the growing average of debt that students who attend college have to pay off and people without a degree can obtain many jobs that do not require college degrees.
The trend continues with the skyrocketing prices of college tuitions. This is not an uncommon issue the days of college tuition being affordable are slowly fading into the past. This conundrum has brought to light the idea of using tax money to help pay tuition. This idea has vast potential, but can it reach its potential.
College tuition costs more than health care, housing, and transportation; it has even risen past the inflation rate. Supposedly college should make life a little bit easier because it educates a person enough to obtain a higher paying job, this gives them the ability to support themselves. However, if tuition has risen above the everyday things that we use to get around, every day necessities to have a stable life, and the inflation rate, then it is an obvious problem that should be addressed. If this
Tuition fees have always been a complaint to people who are paying and attending college, most say it is too expensive, some say it should be free. Is that a good way to go? Making college something that anyone could attend? Some say that free college would allow students that are less fortunate, wealth wise, to attend college and have hope for a better future. College plays a very important role in the economy and in my opinion, I certainly believe that college tuition is there for certain reasons. The reasons for high tuition costs will not be discussed but the reason for it will be: Making tuition free would cause taxes to rise significantly due to the government owning higher education, It would feel like public high school again, having no motivation to do anything, Free higher education still wouldn’t get everyone to go to college. At first, free education sounds nice because of european countries doing it, but in turn, it would ruin our country as a whole.
“The writing in this essay is my own work. If I have used outside sources, I have acknowledged them through correct documentation.”
There are many colleges around the world and most people like to attend one. Students study hard and try their best just so they can get an acceptance letter from their dream college. However, college tuition is not that affordable; college tuition is increasing in price every single year while the yearly salary of a father stays the same or barely increases. College tuition should be affordable to everyone regardless of his or her family status and position. Students should be able to attend a college without being in a debt consisting of thousands of dollars. There are scholarships, grants and financial aid available but that does not help everyone. A middle class family cannot fully afford a child going to a 4-year college and make a living, which is comfortably in residence. A change in college tuition is definitely required for American students and the students around the world to have a better education at low cost.
Just about everyone agrees that college should be more affordable. A century ago high school was becoming a necessity, not a luxury; today the same is happening to college. If college is essential for building a career and being a full participant in our democracy as high school once was, shouldn 't it be free, paid for by public dollars, and treated as a right of all members of our country? The average college graduate comes out of college with at least $60,000 in debt and if they went to an Ivy League should that shots up to upward of $100,000 all this debt before they even get their first real job (“Fast Facts”). This is the burden that students have to worry about and then they only have six months to find a job that can cover they loan payments, which can be as much as a couple thousand dollars a month and most working people can’t afford that. These days it is highly emphasized that the responsibility to educate the poor lies on the shoulders of the government. It should be, considering the significant hike in the tuition fees worldwide. In such circumstances, many intelligent and hardworking students miss out on studying in a university due to lack of funds. This not only demoralizes the student, but also has a negative impact on the society as it loses out on its future professionals.
As more and more high school students realize this, the increased demand and need for college is going to go up. According to the Lumina Foundation for Education, colleges are realizing students and families are willing to go into debt as to increase their post-secondary education income (Dickeson). What about the others who cannot afford to go this route? Individual states play a major roll in the cost of higher education. If anyone has been watching the news lately, they most likely have seen states facing budget problems and shortfalls. With this being said, it now means most of the problem has been shifted onto the shoulders of the parents and aspiring students. Justification for these outrageous costs is being demanded not only by parents, but also by state and federal officials. According to the College Board, “In the past five years, the average cost of in-state tuition and fees at public colleges has jumped 35% -- after adjustment for inflation. . . . In the past 25 years, the average cost of tuition and fees has risen faster than personal income, consumer prices and even health insurance” (Block 1). Tuition prices pose a serious problem, especially for families whose income cannot keep up.
The continuous rising cost of higher education is frequently spoken about today and deserves much more attention then it receives. College tuition for students is a rather large investment and considered to be one of the most expensive to make. As college tuition prices are continuously increasing so is the cost of housing. The average American family is finding it more and more difficult to be able to have a fair shot at affording to go to college. Although there are numerous possibilities, the cost of higher education for student is still too high and implementing a solid accreditation process and examining the student loan crisis happening could help improve a lot of problems.
College costs are so overwhelming to undergraduates and graduates. So many people are leaving with thousands of dollars in debt just because they wanted to pursue a higher education. College shouldn't be one of the deterrents stopping low-income students from attending a university. If jobs are making it a requirement to have a degree then colleges should be lowering the cost so that getting a higher education is possible for everyone. Students should be able to want a postsecondary education without questioning if they will get out with a huge amount of debt or if they can afford
College tuition is a subject that I am certain is on every college student's mind. The current cost of college has become so outrageously high and so students are graduating college with what you think is a feeling of excitement for their lives starting, when in reality they are entering a pool of stress due to high amounts of debt and no job guarantees. With that being said overly expensive College Tuition is merely taking away opportunities from potential students. According to Collegefactual.com, you will see that 20 years ago the average college tuition for a student at any University was around $6,285 for the room, board, and tuition. Today, according to Niche.com, the average tuition for almost any college is over $30,000 for those same things. Today, this isn't even offered for those same colleges, we don’t even know what is actually causing the raising tuition. At this point in time, we are paying for the name. Just like clothing, we pay more for the “high end” (a.k.a the college name) items. This is an issue that not only affects college students, but people who want a good education. College tuition should be lowered because the average student debt is too high, FAFSA results can be misleading and not high enough, and there is not enough access to college for deserving students.
I personally believe the reason colleges were able to raise the intuition cost for the students is because college is highly overrated. Even with just an associate degree, one can make more money than those who do not, and who might even have the better set of skills. This does not I mean I am disvaluing the significant of higher education as it is the only way, so far, to break the cycle of poverty. Consequently, I do see another way out of poverty so that education may become affordable for the majority, and that is the elimination of prejudice. If prejudice is out of the equation indefinitely, many people of color and females can finally be paid the same way as those of white men; thus, improving our economy. The improvement in the economy
College tuition should be cheaper for everyone no matter what economic level your family is in. College tuition should be affordable for everyone, so everyone has a chance to get an education without being in debt. There are kids and adults that would love to go to college. Should colleges turn down people because they cannot afford it? Yes there are numerous of scholarships, financial aids, and loans available, but sometimes they do not help everyone out that much; because the average family cannot fully support college, and make an adequate living. This is how I would like to see a change in how much college tuition expenses will be in the upcoming years.