
African American Culture Essay

Decent Essays

In the late 1850’s, African Americans and Irish Americans escaping the potato famine in the home country started to immigrate in the region mostly offering home services. The access of the new culture into the community at first did not have any large impact on the dominant Italian culture. However, over the years, elements of multiculturalism are obvious in the small African American, Asian American and Latin American neighborhoods witnessed during this research. These new communities were to some extent amazed by the Italian culture and no significant efforts to change the unique identity. T
They embraced the culture as their own, and according to 70% of the respondents of this research, the socioeconomic muscle of the community is strictly …show more content…

The strong thoughts of the community are further strengthened by annual festivities that bring them together. During these feasts and festivals, the community can link together and share among themselves. Every year, the large number of tourists joining the community in the celebrations further strengthen the sense community among different races living in the neighborhood. In the East, towards Bowery, real estate developers have invested in property that serves the residents. Mott street and Houston street areas are having a majority of Italian families. In recent years offered accommodation to other races. The role of Patrones( Translated to ‘boss’) has helped the peaceful co-existence between the different races in the area("1. The Bronx and Its Neighborhoods," 2004, p. 13). Each of the racial groups existing in the community had a middleman, usually acting as informal elders whose main duty to the community was to ensure peaceful co-existence. One the most well-known Padrone in the history of The Little Italy is Luigi Fugazy whose role in community services to fellow Italian in the South Village is still remembered to

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