
African American Elderly Problems

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The elderly population have challenges that other ages do not have to face. Elderly face some number situations. These issues arise once people reach a certain age and follow them till the day that they pass on. For example, there are certain health issues that come the age. The African American elderly deals with a lot of issues; ranging from health to financial. But the African American elderly have a big influence on their community. But also, it is very important for the health of the elderly. The relationship can keep the elders’ health and mental health in good standing. The elderly can face many issues as their lives and body grow older. The African American elderly population has significant challenges that they must deal with. To begin with, many have health issues. Some that can be very life threatening. As people get older your body just does not want to work the same way it used to when it was younger. Your body goes through changes. As people get older, the body begins to behave differently.

Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Assessment
The person that was interviewed was named Janie M. Brown. She was a recently divorced mother of one. The client’s history is that she is originally from South Carolina, but moved to New York once she was of age to live on her own. She then worked as a secretary and had a child at the age of 21 years of age. Mrs. Brown raised her only on her own and lead a peaceful life. She didn’t marry the love of her life until the age of 46 years

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