
African American Music

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The African Influence on African American Music African American music has evolved into unique musical tradition, reflecting the experiences of Africans in the New World. This musical tradition, however, has been influenced by African cultural patterns in profound and subtle ways. To define such a broad genre is a difficult task, as African music is not a static system of notes and beats, but rather it is a conceptual approach to music making. There are, nonetheless, a set of common basic elements that help define the genre. African music in terms of spirituality, community, and language have influenced African American music profoundly. Musical organization and syntax can be traced directly to sub-Saharan peoples in terms of cyclical …show more content…

Although starkly different in dogma, Methodist and Baptist churches were able to evangelize many African Americans due to their common sharing of musical fervor. For example, in “the evangelical movements of popular reverends, John and Charles Wesley, [they] embraced ecstatic expressions; including, “speaking in tongues, fainting, [and] moving with the shakes.”(Walker, 1974). The African adoption of Christianity indelibly changed their views of the universe. However, pre-existing religious practices, particularly in West Africa, lend themselves to eighteenth century protestant denominations, in which both see music as connection to God or gods. Consequently, this legacy of cultural syncretism can be linked to twentieth century gospel music, wherein it has “certainly functioned as a catalyst for similar expressions of religious fervor.” (Wilson, …show more content…

Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Duke Ellington, Mahalia Jackson, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and Charlie Parker engaged the audience in abundance. By pooling as many people together to focus on the same musical goal, they were able to create in their audiences the very same pervasive pattern of participation akin to African musical traditions. A large reason why hip hop music today is so popular is that these performers, by valuing the communal bond between their audience, are able to produce “catchy” music, enabling a quick, cohesive bond to then move in synchrony with the

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