
African Child Labor

Decent Essays

Have you ever thought that you just did all of the work in the world? Well, many children across the globe of Africa work almost the entire day.Unfortunately, child labor is still an Human Rights issue happening all across the globe. One of the places that child labor happens a lot is Africa. The use of children in tobacco farms and making children work forcefully is a violation of Human Rights. First, child labor can kill many children because they have to work in dangerous condition. Another reason is that the children are trafficked from their home and may never see their family ever again.
First, child labor in Africa on Tobacco farms is a human rights issue because the children are forced to work in harmful and dangerous conditions. Children that are affected by acute nicotine poisoning in tobacco farms show symptoms such as vomiting and nausea. The children that are affected by nicotine through their skin could cause brain damage and could also result in affecting the child while they grow. Tobacco farms can also cause cancer and it could result in respiratory problems. “ More than 1.5 million children work in Tobacco farms in Africa every year”(Griffiths 1). Many African kids are forced to work in dangerous conditions and risk their lives in tobacco …show more content…

Many children are trafficked away from home thinking that they can earn money for their family. “The parents in the countries of origin do not even know what happens to their children in the countries of destination”(“High cost of child trafficking” 1). The main reason that children are trafficked is because the traffickers are just looking for a way to make money by using the children to work for them in dangerous conditions. Many kids in Africa are tricked into thinking that they could somehow earn money for their families, but soon realize that they made a huge

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