
Ageism: A Brief Summary And Analysis

Decent Essays

As I was reading through the assigned chapters this week, I was really interested when Berger (2011) brought up the topic of ageism. She defines this concept as “a prejudice whereby people are categorized and judged solely on the basis of their chronological age” (Berger, 2011, p. 640). While this prejudice can be focused at any age group, I feel as though ageism directed at people in their late adulthood can be extremely detrimental to their mental and physical health. Not only can it result in feelings of incompetence and low self-esteem, it can limit their work opportunities and can prevent “depressed elderly people from seeking health” (Berger, 2011, p. 642) which can lead to suicide. Ageism is presented in many forms, but one matter

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