
Air Canada 's Strategic Procurement Plan

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Air Canada arranges a proactive strategic procurement plan to obtain different goods and services that are vital and fundamental for company growth. These strategies are based on analysis of their historical spending and on educated forecasting of requirements and opportunities. Air Canada is able to create and improve important relationships with key strategical suppliers due to their pronounced buying volume allowing them to acquire greater leverage. Air Canada mission is simple and straightforward which is the connect Canada with the world. Naturally focusing on improving their financial performance in order to increase productivity and its cost structure. To minimize fuel emission and other greenhouse gases based on Air Canada’s environmental concern. Their vision consists in building loyalty through quality service and innovation. In order to maintain an effective supply chain, Air Canada must evaluate suppliers by analysing qualifications and competencies. These suppliers must demonstrate best practices, maintain a strong financial position, demonstrate a respect for the environment and meet applicable legal, regulatory, safety, security and operational requirements. These suppliers must share same vision and mission in achieving growth and increasing product value. Establishing a win/win relationship to attain objectives and goals. PEST analysis allows Air Canada to discover new technological advancements within suppliers such as new products and IT systems. On the

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