
Air Mass Research Paper

Better Essays

Sequoia Baker
Meteorology 100
Final Essay 1/3

Air Masses: Types and Characteristics

An air mass is an extremely large body of air with temperatures and moisture characteristics that are relatively similar in a horizontal direction. Air masses form in air mass source regions where winds are light or nonexistent. This allows air to stagnate for a long period of time, thus forming an air mass. Given this, air mass weather characteristics are largely determined by the surface over which they develop. Air masses can form over land or water, generally falling into (5) categories which include: Continental polar (cP), Maritime polar (mP), Continental tropical (cT), Maritime tropical (mT) and Continental artic (cA). While air masses can move, otherwise …show more content…

These two processes are key components of models. The process of interpolation creates an evenly spaced dataset from otherwise randomly spaced observations. Interpolated data is then put into numerical models, where data initialization occurs. The process of initializing data is intended to absorb shocks, or balance the data. Raw data often has various factors such as wind or pressure that is unbalanced, which ultimately results in a skewed forecast. Fortunately, we now have computer systems that help to solve the mathematical models involved in data assimilation. If it were not for these systems, models would be useless by the time they are …show more content…

Weather is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere in a region. Overall, weather describes short-term conditions that are subject to quick, and sometimes unexpected change. Climate is defined as the weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period. Unlike weather, climate is not subject to sporadic change. Most meteorologists define climates by looking at the average temperatures and precipitation levels over a long period of time. This brief essay outlines how weather and climate differentiate, while also showing how they relate to and differ from

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