
Air Pollution Essay

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I. Environmental Issue Houston, Texas is one of the cities in the United States with the worst air pollution (NASA, 2007). The sources of this pollution are varied, motor vehicles, chemical industry, power plants, and an ever growing population (NASA, 2007). Air pollution has negative impacts on the environment, human health, and the economy. Some negative environmental impacts are acid rain, damage to crop and other plants due to ground-level ozone, and birth defects, reproductive failure, and disease in animals (Health & Environmental Effects of Air Pollution, n.d.) Toxins in the air can also cause many health problems in humans which can severely affect people’s quality of life. In one study, a task force found that of 179 pollutants in Houston that might have health impacts, there were 12 substances are definite risks, 9 are probable risks, and 24 are possible risks (Sexton et al., 2006). These pollutants were shown to cause respiratory illnesses, cancer, cardiovascular problems, etc. (Sexton et al., 2006). All of these health problems would have a major impact on people’s lives, and even cause death. While much of the air pollution in the Houston area comes from industrial sources that are good for the economy, there are also negative economic impacts. For example, for health reasons, there are many days of work lost. People with respiratory illnesses may not be able to go out some days with poor air quality which would limit the work they could do or the days they

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