
Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory

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“Self belief does not necessarily ensure success, but self disbelief assuredly spawns failure” (Bandura, 1997). Albert Bandura was affectionately described as the "jovial genius" by one of his former students for his wisdom, humility, and wonderful sense of humor. Albert Bandura believed that social learning formed the basis for personality development (Bandura, 1977). Bandura’s theory is perceived to be an “internal reward”, such examples include “pride, satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment” (Social Learning Theory: Understanding Bandura's Theory of Learning, n.d.). It is evident that internal thoughts and cognitions help connect learning theories with cognitive developmental theories. Bandura suggested that his concept surrounding the social learning theory could be considered a “social cognitive theory” (Social Learning Theory: Understanding Bandura's Theory of Learning, n.d.).
Albert Bandura once said that, “learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do” (Bandura, 1977). His theory integrates a continuous interaction between the environment, our own behaviors, and our psychological processes.
To understand observational learning, Bandura and his colleagues researched observational learning. This provided considerable guidance for teachers who are interested in instructional modeling and teaching by demonstration. Note that the root meaning of the word

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