
Albert Camus Research Paper

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The Life of Albert Camus
It is common for people to question the meaning of man’s existence or to seek answers about the relationship of man and the universe. This is the topic that Albert Camus favored when creating his novels, plays, and essays. Camus was known for his philosophical view of absurdism and included it in many of his works such as The Stranger. He felt that life had no order or purpose and that there was something absurd about the human quest to find meaning. The existentialist writer, Albert Camus, was struck by poverty, loss, and illness, but went on to contribute to moral philosophy issues during the harsh times of World War II.
Albert Camus was born on November 7, 1913 in the small Algerian city of Mondovi. He lived in a small village in the northeast region of French Algeria ("Albert Camus (1913—1960)"). He was the second son of Catherine Sintés and Lucien Camus (Kellman). His mother was a peasant of Spanish descent and his father was an Alsatian (Grajewski). Catherine worked in an ammunition factory and cleaned homes, but also had many other small jobs throughout her …show more content…

The two philosophical ideas that made him famous were the concept of the Absurd and the notion of Revolt (1913—1960)."). Camus tried his hand at essays, drama, and fiction throughout his association with his company, Théâtre de l’Équipe, and his friend’s liberal newspaper, Alger-Républicain (Parsell). When living with his wife in Oran, Camus completed The Stranger and the essay Myth of Sisyphus in 1948 (Sachs). In 1936 he wrote the play Revolte dans les Asturies but the performance was later banned (Kellman). The publication of L’Homme révolté also caused controversy. In 1946 Camus came to the United States and published La Peste and it was very successful. He was the ninth Frenchman and the second youngest author to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

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