
Albert Pike Creative Writing

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On a bright, spring weekend, Me and my friend Marlee were playing around my house, as we started to get bored to tears, we came up with ideas to do. We decided that we would go to Albert Pike and swim, since I live a few minutes from Albert Pike, we got my mom's okay to ride up there on our bikes. “Under one condition,” said my mom. “ They are very slick this time of year,” “ I know,” as I rolled my eyes not listening. I did not know that this tiny white lie could change the way others look at me forever. Moments went by, as we started off on our journey to Albert Pike. With the roads being very curvy, we were very precise about how sharp we turned every curve, and making sure to watch for upcoming cars. Our bikes screeched as we arrived pulling up to the swimming area. There was very meager up there, like I had suspected. Later on, after swimming for about twenty minutes, we started to climb around on the few rocks where there were diminutive waterfalls, and tide pools. Some of the rocks were higher than others, and some had deep gaps in between. We tried to make sure that we were careful, but there must have been one rock that was as slick as …show more content…

We thought that maybe the cut would be small enough that she wouldn’t notice. After pedalling as fast as our legs would go, we finally arrived home. We both walked in the door trembling in fear, we crept through the kitchen. “Did you two have fun?” “Yep!” we ran in my room and slammed the door. “Anna!” Marlee!” “Come here please,” We slowly crept back in the kitchen, not knowing what was going to be the outcome. “What's that on your swimsuit, Marlee?” “It’s mud,” I said thinking quickly. “Well how did you do that?” We were riding our bikes and we went through some mud and it splattered on us.” “Ok, well when you get dressed I can wash it for you.” Ok mom.” We scurried back to my room, and got

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