
Aldi : A Small Food Retail Outlet

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ALDI is a German based company which was established in 1913 as a small food Retail outlet. It is the 7th largest global retailer in the world and is operating in 17 different countries.Two brothers, Theo and Karl started this company together. It became famous and popular amongst the consumer rapidly. In 1940’s, they began to expand and in 1950’s there were more than 50 stores of Aldi in Germany. In 1960’s Aldi introduced the self-service concept in their stores which was unique and new for the consumers. ALDI has now turned into one of the biggest retail outlets brand worldwide with more than 8000 outlets worldwide and 60 years of experience in the industry. Aldi entered …show more content…

Aldi’s one of the most successful strategy is to provide superior quality products or items at a lower and competitive price which are similar to other famous brand to the consumers. Most of the products under Aldi’s own brand are manufactured and supplied by the best available local suppliers ( Amongst many different pricing strategies for product like Market penetration, strategic pricing and competitive pricing, Aldi takes in competitive pricing technique to sustain and gain competitive advantage in the market. Because of bulk purchase and large amount of business to manufacturers, it negotiates with the supplier for price and forwards this benefit of price to the consumers. Apart from product and price, Aldi also focus on place and promotion. Taking place into consideration, its outlets are expanding globally targeting more audience. All the locations for Aldi’s outlets are selected after few considerations like parking space, ease of access, local population and visibility for customers comfort to find and visit the outlet. This results in increased sale (Riaz & Tanveer 2012).
Promotion is another important sub element of McCarthy’s four P’s on which Aldi focuses on. Its helps in creating awareness and increasing brand image (Muala & Qurneh 2012). Promotion also helps in spreading awareness and increasing demand for the

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