
What Is The Knorr Soup Marketing Mix

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Marketing Mix includes four basic marketing strategies which is called Product, Pricing, Promotions and Placement , The add on three marketing mix will be People , Process and Physical Evidence. They are combine and called the 7Ps which is under the elements of Service Marketing Mix. Working professionals or businesses use these fundamentals to communicate with and reach their planned target market. Marketers manage decisions about each of the 7P's base their decisions on the individuals they want to win board and make into customers. Marketers must first clearly identify each target market before they can build up marketing strategies.

Keeping in mind the various flavors of its competitor Campbell Soup, Knorr Soup have entered the soup production as an actual product. The four flavors of Knorr are chicken mushroom, classic tomato and corn chicken which are almost comparable to …show more content…

By doing this, the price of Knorr will be lower from its competitor.
• Cost plus
• List Price
• Value based
• Discounts
• Credit terms

For making Knorr Soup available the Sales and Marketing person runs the most important role. The distribution of the product should me more for the higher or demand order places.The below chart explains the process.
• Location
• Sales support Channel
• Segmented Chanenels
• Transportation

Direct Selling

Promotion is a way company communicates messages on what the pruct does and what does the product can offer customers. It includes below elements:
• Advertisements
• User Trial
• Free gifts
• Special offer

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