
Aldi Marketing Essay example

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Group Assignment: Application of Marketing Topic
Topic: Integrated Marketing Communication – Advertising and Public Relations
Company: Aldi

1.0 - Background of the Company
2.0 – Target Markets 2.1 – Analysis 2.2 – Targeting 2.3 – Strategy
3.0 – Marketing Mix 3.1 – Product 3.1.1 – Variety 3.1.2 – Quality 3.1.3 – Features 3.1.4 – Brand name 3.1.5 – Packaging 3.1.6 – Sizes 3.1.7 – Warranties
3.1.8 – Returns 3.2 – Price
3.2.1 – List Price
3.2.2 – Discounts 3.3 – Promotion
3.3.1 – Advertising
3.3.2 – Personal Selling
3.3.3 – Direct Marketing
3.3.4 – Online Marketing
3.4 – Placement Logistics
3.4.1 – Demand Chain Management
3.4.2 – Logistics Management
3.4.3 – Channel Management
4.0 – Issue 1: …show more content…

That is, instead of covering the entire market (undifferentiated), or several segments (differentiated), they concentrate only on one. Concentrated marketing is also financially suitable to the goals of Aldi.
2.3 Strategy:
Despite the targeted market Aldi uses a mass medium as their only real form of communication with consumers, a catalogue. They should be more concerned with “permission marketing”.

3.0 Marketing Mix
3.1. Product:
3.1.1. Variety – Aldi offer a limited variety of products on their shelves, not only do they offer a limited selection of these products but a limited choice in variety.
3.1.2. Quality – Aldi’s private labelled brands could be perceived as a lesser quality product. But quality is perceived by the eye of the beholder or the demographic of the associated consumer, people may associate quality with the cheap prices for a lesser known label that offer the same satisfaction as a brand name product.
3.1.3. Features – Aldi offer cheaper private labelled products with limited variety and self-service in packing their goods to take home.
3.1.4. Brand Name – Larger Brand name products aren’t associated with Aldi. Due to this Aldi is able to offer a cheaper shopping experience with their private labelled products.
3.1.5. Packaging – Product packaging within Aldi can be found to be relatively similar to those of brand name products.
3.1.6. Sizes – Most

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