
All School Districts Should Have Chromebooks Essay

Satisfactory Essays

All Districts Should Have Chromebooks

Have you thought of why students are even more technologically advanced.

Right now, students in kindergarten are using chromebooks and the teachers of the

students are saying it has made learning easier, as well as teaching. All school districts

should have chromebooks because it enhances learning and allows students to be

more technologically advanced.

Furthermore, students can learn more, and pay less while doing so. Students will be

able to use better software, and will be able to see assignments directly using google

classroom. The teachers in this situation, will be able to grade even faster and post

assignments. Also, Chromebooks are gaining even more popular in school districts and

it is …show more content…

There are also quiz games such as Kahoot or

Quizlet. Even some experts had skeptical thoughts at first. Chromebooks can support

learning, but they can also break easily. Chromebooks are able to support teacher- student collaboration, and, especially, their cost. The cost for Chromebooks is very

cheap compared to other computers at only $200! As a student, this would really help

with some of the basic problems at school. Overall, students that have Chromebooks

will be able to do much more at school.

In conclusion, all districts of schools should have Chromebooks because it advances

learning and allows students to be more technologically advanced. Although there have

been many problems with Chromebooks in the past, there have been very few, and

most were repaired for very cheap. Chromebooks make students better with

technology, better with learning, as well as well as having the ability to do it cheaply.

The districts of all the schools should have Chromebooks. Chromebooks are cheap, as

well as the fact that they enhance learning and technology skills. As a call to action,

students should go and support the cause for more

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