
All about Our Salon and Spa

Satisfactory Essays

When we started our company 11 years ago our intention was to have a full service Salon & Spa. During that time back in 2003, there were a few things that was going on in our life. Our sisters started there journey into parenthood and with that we had new additions to our family. Along with the births of our nephews & nieces came eczema a skin aliment that was not familiar to our family. Simultaneously, while we were setting up our business, we discovered that opening a Salon & Spa was not going to be easy. We needed to raise capital and I came up with the idea to sell baskets with lotion, soap and body spray. Me being the person that I am, I wanted those products to bear our name. I did a extensive search on the internet and found several companies that did private labeling. We ended up having a full line of bath & body products and at the time I was very happy with the private label company that we were using. I had always had a interest in making handmade items, the conversations I had with the private label owner peaked my interest.

I never thought that I would be interested in this sort of thing. I was interested in Information Technology not bath & body products and least of all not making it!

Although, at this time the handmade bath & body industry was not new. There were only a small number of people making products. At that time handmade product makers did not like to share their list of suppliers, and it was by accident that I discovered the supplier that my

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