
Am I Blue: Alice Walker

Decent Essays

Am I Blue
Alice Walker has been an activist for most of her life. Walker travels the world to help fight for the poor and the oppressed. She also stands for the revolutionaries who want to transform the world for the better. She is a defender of not only human rights but the rights of animals as well. In her essay “Am I Blue” she discovers the feelings of a horse named Blue. The essay is meant to show a different side of animals and show the audience the human-like traits that horses have. She compares the oppression of the African Americans and American Indians to the way we now treat animals.
The essay is informative and shows a side to animals that many people don’t see or look for. In comparing Blue to the oppressed, she gives light …show more content…

You can tell by the look in his eyes that Blue is in love with her; "I forgot the depth of feeling one could see in horses ' eyes." Blue 's partner and unborn child are then taken away as if "they had been born into slavery." This idea of humans disregarding the feelings of animals for human selfishness through the use of animals for food is also a main point Walker makes. She discusses how we do not consider the impact that the methods of production have on the animals. Most humans want to be ignorant on how the animals they eat are killed. She explains this idea of the “contented cows” that we see on our milk containers. We choose to be ignorant so we don’t have to own up to all of the bad things we do as a race. Indians are envied for their land and are therefore slaughtered then called animals or savages to make up for our wrong doings. By reminding us of our ignorance in the past she shows us that we have been wrong before and continue to be wrong when it concerns the rights of animals. She ends the piece by claiming that she was “eating misery”, which again shows the emotions that animals have that are so nonchalantly

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