
Amazon : An Effective Delivery System

Better Essays

With a fast changing supply chain in the 21st century, companies need an effective delivery system, which attract new customers daily, and keep the current customers happy with their current service. Amazon is a very popular ecommerce company that delivers thousands of products daily. In the past few years, they have been trying to develop drone technology that could account for a large portion of their deliveries which would also provide substantial cost savings. I will discuss all of the benefits along with the drone technology system that Amazon hopes to put in place in the near future.
According to, Amazon shipped over one billion units on behalf of their sellers in 2015 (Dado, 2016). To me, that is a huge accomplishment and …show more content…

In the short term, Amazon’s drone delivery could cause some supply chain risk. There could be a lot of risk associated with any completely computerized robot. These robots will be operating based on gps coordinates to find their final destination which is the end consumer. Upon delivery, these drones will either be dropping items or parachuting them onto the customer’s property for them to pick up at their convenience. This could cause serious risk in case a package was accidentally dropped on someone or even if these packages were dropped off in the wrong location other than the guest’s actual property. These drones could also have the possibility to break down mid trip and be lose on a map which could cost the company a lot of money. When a drone is delivering to a very urban area with a lot of people around, there could be problems associated with delivering to the exact address and could cause some theft problems if left at the wrong doorstep. With all of this said, Amazon has been working on these drones for years now in order to prevent all of these mishaps from happening. By the time the product launches, it should be able to limit the supply chain risk within the organization. As far as the long term challenges associated with this product could be to continually improve the drones so that they are better able to adapt to the ever changing supply chain of the world. One possible problem could be if companies

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