
Amazon Digital Marketing Activities And Global Market Opportunities Created By Digital Technologies

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Amazon Digital Marketing Activities
Executive Summary
In this report, Amazon has been found to be on the forefront towards exploiting market opportunities created by digital technologies. The company has resourcefully applied innovative digital technology to provide flexible merchandising, as well as personalized marketing services. Through the use of digital marketing technology, Amazon has been able to establish, maintain and strengthen a long term competitive advantage within its industry and beyond. As recommended in this report, the company needs to focus on steady improvement on its digital technology infrastructure based on the market environment trends, which include investing more in research and development.
The global marketplace is changing at an unprecedented pace. Driven by the evolving technologies, business organizations should be on the lookout, or else their competitive advantages might be surpassed within a blink of an eye. This report has comprehensively discussed the digital marketing activities executed by Amazon Corporation, a company that is well recognized globally for leading others in the area of e-commerce. In addition, this report has also evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s digital marketing activities with respect to their impact on its competitive advantage, after which recommendations are also proposed.
The Company Background
Amazon Corporation is a US-based e-commerce company that was

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