
Amazon's Ventures Into Publishing

Good Essays Kindling success Amazon's ventures into publishing Publishing is a changing industry. The Amazon Kindle and other e-readers have transformed the ways that people read books. Amazon's decision to become involved in publishing e-books as well as manufacturing e-readers can be described as revolutionary and prescient. "Bookstores have struggled to survive the recession and the rise of electronic books" (Turner 2012). The Amazon Kindle is particularly suited to how young people approach reading today it is in an electronic format, information can be accessed with a point and a click, and it is fairly easy to search through information at a rapid pace. Offering exclusive content through the Kindle via an Amazon publishing program seems to be the next logical step. Furthermore, some of the most recent publishing success stories of recent years have been unexpected 'sleeper' hits that were generated through electronic publishing. Fifty Shades of Grey began as fan fiction and was not spotted by a conventional publishing house. Through Amazon, new authors can put their content up to a public voice and readers can vote with their dollars. The Kindle also enables new authors to gain traction that is difficult to achieve in the current publishing industry, where the emphasis tends to be on established authors and brand names, and self-help books and biographies of celebrities that have a built-in audience. The type of books offered through self-publishing through venues

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