
Ameraucana Chicken Research Paper

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Ameraucana Chicken For my animal research project, I chose to do research on the ameraucana chicken. The common name of the Ameraucana chicken is the Ameraucana chicken. Its scientific name is Gallus gallus domesticus, meaning that the Gallus gallus domesticus is a type of domesticated fowl, and it originates from the red junglefowl. It is the most common species of domestic animals. The chicken’s phylum is chordate. Chordate means an animal of the large phylum Chordata, combing the vertebrates together. The classification of the chicken is a bird and a reptile. Did you know that ameraucana chickens lay blue and green eggs? I genuinely believe that the ameraucana chicken is a very fascinating animal. The ameraucana chicken lives in almost all of North America, and some of South America. The chicken lives in shady wooded areas, because of all of the bugs and berries. The …show more content…

The back bone is one of the strongest bones in a chicken’s body, after the feet. Without the backbone, the chicken couldn’t move its neck or wings. Believe it or not, the Ameraucana chicken is an omnivore. They eat plants, bugs, and meat from many different animals. I have chickens of my own, and they will eat just about anything that you throw at them. The Ameraucana chicken is not in relation to any animals other than the Easter Egger chicken, and the Araucana chicken. Did you know that the Ameraucana chicken is one out of three full breeds of chickens that can lay colorful eggs? Yep, you guessed it! The other two full bred chickens are the Easter Egger, and the Araucana! I bet you didn’t know that chickens are fierce, aggressive and competitive. If one chicken sticks its chest out, the other one has to stick theirs out farther! One last fact! Ameraucana chickens were developed in the 1970s to breed with Araucanas to try to get rid of unwanted characteristics, like the rumpless figure, and the lack of neck

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