
America Case Study Report

Decent Essays

BG Clayton once back at Colonel Fosters CP made contact with the White House Communications. He sent in his report to the President on what the current operational status of the 82nd and 3rd ID were. As well, as a status on enemy movements to include the attack on the Medical Unit from the 3rd ID by the Army of the SSA 3rd Division. The good news was that their intelligence stated that the SSA only had three Divisions and at this time they were all accounted for. BG Clayton was also informed of the aircraft flyover of Atlanta, when he was told he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He didn’t know if it was a good idea or not, he understood the point to the exercise, to give the SSA leadership something to think about. However, they …show more content…

For the record I think it’s a bad idea. I think we should have bombed the 1st Division in Atlanta, screw the show of force.” “Agreed, I don’t think it was a good idea.” “Let me make some calls and I’ll get back to you.” “Yes sir.” With the Sergeant Major Dognillo left. BG Clayton had to think a moment about who he was going to contact regarding trying to find out what’s going on. He finally concluded that he might as well go straight to the top and ask. He placed a radio call back to White House communications and set up a secure radio call with the President to take place in two hours. He was told the President would at most only have twenty minutes to speak to him because of his schedule. BG Clayton accepted that for what it was knowing that if the President wanted to spend more or less time speaking to him he would. He now had two hours to kill, he decided to head to the mess and get something to eat and some coffee. He realized he hadn’t eaten anything in over a day. After he left the CP a Corporal came running out and called him back telling him the President was on a secure channel ready to speak with him now. Caught by surprise by the change of events he turned around and headed back into the CP and the secure radio station. He put on the headphones so only he would hear the conversation and everyone that was in the area left. “This is Brigadier General Clayton.” “John, this is

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