
America Won The Cold War

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Did you ever come to think where America would be if the USSR won the Cold War? During the years of 1970 through the present, Americans really became the modern people we are today. From coming out of the Cold War as the sole world superpower, the devastating emotional effects of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and the new advancements in what we now know as early stages and forms of our modern technology. America, already on top of the world before this time, set itself in place in the history books in this era. (New Voices, New Frontiers p. 1277-1289) One of the most important people in this era is Ronald Reagan because of his role as the president of the United States and helping the U.S. seal off the Cold War. Furthermore, a major event …show more content…

during the Cold War, and the start of Reagan’s political campaign, was the invention of the MRI. On July 3rd, 1977, the first Magnetic Resonance Imaging exam on a living patient was performed. An MRI identifies atoms by how they behave and became an extremely useful, non-invasive method for imaging he inside of a human. (APS News) Although, the first version of the MRI was more barbaric than the ones we have today. The prototype was a machine made from a hollow cylinder magnet, 53 inches in diameter, 30 miles of niobium-titanium wire, and a liquid helium cooling system. This was called the NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance). Isidor I. Rabi was the first to discover NMR. NMR was later developed into the earliest stage of the MRIs we use today by a man by the name of Damadia. He got the idea of expanding the NMR after investigating electrically charged particles in the human body. After years of research and tests, Damadia’s crew was ready to test their new invention, and with the huge risk that was thought to come with testing this machine, Damadia volunteered himself. July 3rd, 1977, he was successful with one of the most ground breaking inventions of all time. (Smithsonian Magazine: …show more content…

That national scare was Y2K. The Y2K Bug, also called the Year 2000 Bug, a problem in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to destroy all computers and computer networks. Until the 1990s, many early computers abbreviate four digit years as 2 digit years to save space, but people thought the computers would recognize the year 2000 as 1900, thus setting time back to where computers didn’t exist. Such hardware and software failures in computers used in areas like banking, government records would lead to widespread chaos. An estimated 300 billion dollars was spent to reinforce and upgrade current computer programs for Y2K. (Y2K

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