
American Idols of the Old West: Cowboys

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Cowboys are the American idol of the “Old West” pictured as silhouette riding out over the prairie on their horse with the sunset ahead of them. They are what shaped the entire cattle raising industry in America. A study of the cowboy way of life helps us to discover the hardships they faced and the experiences that every cowboy has witnessed. The cowboy is usually pictured as a full grown man working hard in a pasture or in a set of pins but in reality, cowboys started off at ages as early as 7 or 8 helping their dads with the everyday chores. In this item of information, the individual happened to be 8 when his hardships began. Now the setting of this book was around the end of the civil war and his family lived in the south. His dad had become a part of the confederate army and had been gone for quite a long time (Adams). He pursued the chores of his dad around the house like taking care of the cows every morning and night, making sure they got milked and fed at the appropriate times. They also owned two oxen that were used for plowing and hauling the wagon when they traveled (Adams 4-5). Now with his dad gone, they didn’t have good money coming in the door so as a result and with him being the man of the house, he had to sell his saddle which was going to be the beginning of his cowboy days. This was because they had to find someway to pay off their debt (Adams 200). To make everything worse, when general Sherman made his march to the sea movement, it crossed right over

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