
Americanah Writing Style

Satisfactory Essays

Summer Writing Assignment
Lindsay Harris
Ap Lang

Americanah Writing Style

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author of the National Bestseller Americanah has a very descriptive, personal writing style. The writing style is very unique, even though it isn't written in first person you feel very close to the main character as if they’re the one who's telling the story. The writer uses imagery to make you feel as if you are in the setting that is being described. The tone of the writing is honest, sensitive and innocent. She tells her thoughts and struggles of being an African in america and what it means to be black for the first time. Throughout the whole book the author manages to keep an innocent tone of writing. Starting with Ifemelu’s …show more content…

The author uses diction and descriptive writing to share all her thoughts and observations on people. She has always been very observant person, that is why she is always able to spot differences between American people and the people of her hometown in Lagos. “The man standing closest to her was eating an ice cream cone; she had always found it a little irresponsible, the eating of ice cream cones by grown-up American men, especially the eating of ice cream cones by grown-up American men in public.”...“The graying hair on the back of his head was swept forward, a comical arrangement to disguise his bald spot. He had to be an academic, but not in the humanities or he would be more self-conscious. A firm science like chemistry, maybe. Before, she would have said, I know, that peculiar American expression that professed agreement rather than knowledge, and then she would have started a conversation with him,” Her observations are descriptive and relatable, they are also thought provoking. The writer often points out small details most people wouldn't notice. The Author's writing structure can be described as speedy, as she often jumps from one childhood memory or event

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