
An Analysis Of Breathing Underwater By Alex Finn

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On page #269 of Breathing Underwater, Nick tells Mario,” It’s about doing the right thing even if you don’t want to do it. About taking responsibility for your actions, like how you always told us... it’s about letting go when you really, really want to hold on so bad.” When Nick says this he is telling Mario that he has finally figured out what he had done, he also realizes what the point of going to counseling was. The book Breathing Underwater by Alex Finn, is a story about a guy named Nick who struggles to keep his actions together. As the book goes on into more detail, Nick starts to let the reader understand the story of how Nick ended up going to court and getting a restraining order from his ex girlfriend Caitlin. Nick learns about respect and love throughout the book since he did have to take some counseling classes, and by order of the judge, he had to write what happened in a journal. Body Paragraph 1 Nick going into therapy, helps him understand that he was getting hurting Caitlin, and that he made a terrible mistake. Close to the beginning of the book, Nick is very loving and caring, but then transitions into being a very violent person towards his girlfriend Caitlin. When Nick states, “ You think wrong... It doesn’t go with what you’re wearing and it’s totally blue collar. It makes your neck look too short for your body too.” It illustrates that nick can’t help but always make a bad comment about Caitlin. Him making bad comments about Caitlin gives her a bad

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