
An Analysis Of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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The short story “The Lottery,” written by Shirley Jackson, takes place on the morning of June 27th. People gathered each year for the lottery; the lottery took less than two hours. People gathered in small groups to talk as well as exchange gossip. Soon Mr. Summers brought out the black box that contained slips of paper that had the family's’ names. On the back of the slip, there is a black dot and that is used to choose the family. All the families were wondering the same question, “Who has the slip of paper with the black dot?” The Hutchinson family was the chosen family; they returned the slip along with drew one more time. When each family member got a slip they had to hold the slip. Everyone said “blank” except for Tessie, the wife. Tessie, the mother, was the chosen one. The villagers then proceeded to take rocks from a pile prepared before the ceremony and threw them at Tessie.“‘It isn’t fair,’ she said as the first stone hit her side. …show more content…

Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.” (HERE YOu need a transition to thesis)There form that humans should question their traditions.The short story, “The Lottery” shows that humans should question their

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