
An Assignment On Security Planning Essay

Decent Essays

Assignment 2: Security Planning


In 1969, the internet was first created on a university campus. In the beginning, it was created as a means of communication. As the internet evolved, it became more than just a means of communication. As a repercussion, it also became a target for the criminals. While most of the government agencies and corporations adapted to the security threat, the university campuses have not been able to incorporate information system security as part of their network completely. The University of Michigan-Dearborn has about 9,308 students. While it is not a big campus, it has a respectable number of students from an information security perspective. Everyday, there is a large number of students access the university network. The university network is used as a mean of communication, resource sharing, file sharing, storing students and faculty information.

The university of Michigan-Dearborn has a secure Information environment. I am not aware of any security breach that occurred at our campus. This indicates that Information Technology (IT) department has taken enough security measures and being proactive about any threats. Protecting the university network and information is an important task that has to be taken very seriously, as the university database contain sensitive information such as students’ records, staff records, alumni information, infrastructure, and physical security information. These electronic data should only

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