
An Essay About Shark

Decent Essays

Have you ever seen a shark’s nose as long as Pinocchio’s or teeth as scary as Dracula’s? Well, I assure you they‘re out there. For years, these sharks have lived undetected, and now I expose them and their very strange lives. The Cookiecutter Shark, Goblin Shark, Japanese Wobbegong, and Prickly Dogfish Shark have so many interesting characteristics that make them unique.
Do you know what shark has the largest teeth in the world? It’s the Cookiecutter Shark! It is called that because of the cookie-shaped wounds that it leaves on the bodies of its prey. They live in warm, deep waters near islands and equatorial oceans. They stay around 1,000 meters in the day and 300 meters at night. The Cookiecutter Sharks live solitarily unless they need to mate or gang up on larger prey. Females give birth to 6 to 12 live babies after pregnancy of 12 to 22 months. Babies are able to …show more content…

They live in very deep waters below 1,300 meters, but come to the surface at night. They live solitarily like most sharks in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian. It is believed that they are ovoviviparous which means that their eggs hatch in the body of the mother, and then she gives live birth to them. Their body is kind of transparent, because these sharks have translucent skin that enables us to see their blood vessels and other body parts. Basically, to a certain extent, we can actually see through the skin of these sharks! They have a blade-like nose and fang-like teeth. The Goblin Shark can be pinkish grey to bubblegum pink. The odd-looking jaw of the Goblin Shark can expand forward to sweep up prey that passes by. The jaw is filled with small sharp teeth in the front for grabbing fish, and flatter teeth in the back for grinding up fish bones. Their average length is 5 feet, but the largest length ever recorded was 12.6 feet. All this information makes up the essence of the Goblin

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