What is the best holiday celebration event of the year? I believe the best is Thanksgiving. I have many reasons for this. The only bad part about Thanksgiving is the nice clothes. I have found a way to get out of wearing nice clothes for a most of the time. I think this can be awesome because I absolutely hate nice clothes on holidays. What I have done was I talked to my parents and we made an agreement that I would only have to wear nice clothes for the picture, but I have to bring other clothes to change into. This is a big deal in my family because we get really messy. One of the best parts about Thanksgiving is the food. I think we can both agree with this. My grandmas make the best food. They make noodles, turkey, and mashed potatoes;
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is celebrated in America, but it has a fairly dark history to what most people know. Most people know that the Pilgrims came over to America on a boat called the mayflower and made friends with the Native Americans then they celebrated it and made this holiday. While this is somewhat true there is more to it than that. For example the Pilgrims may have came on a boat called the Mayflower, but it wasn’t to make friends with the Native Americans but to spread
Christmas like Thanksgiving believe it or not, do happen to share many traits. One major factor that the two own is the warmth and love of bringing family and close friends together. It’s the few times a year that everyone has a reason to all gather around to
The story of the first Thanksgiving, as most Americans have been taught in school, is not exactly accurate. Blame the school textbooks with details so abridged, softened or out of context that they are rendered false; children's books that distill the story to its most pleasant version.
Far too often in our selfish-minded culture, we forget to be thankful for the many blessings we have. There is a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and I've never gone hungry. I'm thankful that I am homeschooled; I do not have to deal with bullies at school and I am able to have a more flexible schedule so that I have an increased amount of free time to spend with family. I am also thankful for my little sister and my parents who care for me and work hard to provide me with everything I need and want. In addition, I feel grateful for my artistic and musical talent. However, most of all, I am deeply grateful for my entire family, the warmth, love, and companionship they bring, and my relationship with
My siblings and I raced out the front door. Our grandma, Mimi, was finally here! The weather was just beginning to cool off. The trees outside rustled in the crisp breeze. I love Thanksgiving. Family together, cool weather, and the scent of pumpkin spice filling rooms.
Thanksgiving to me means family time and a chains to be thankful for all we have our family, our wonderful country, and all the things we are blessed to have. Every year we go to our Mimi’s and Papa’s for thanksgiving, it is my family, my Mimi and Papa, and my Uncle's family. As soon as you walk through the door you can smell the wonderful aroma of food, and when you walk into the kitchen you can see a table adorned with an abundant amount. Then we all gather around the table and pry as we thank god for all he has given use and then we get our plates so we can serve ourselves. While we are eating we have some comical conversations that makes us laugh, we also talk about what we have been doing.
While children are growing up in America, they are told several tales of America’s establishment and history. However, these stories are generally not told as they actually happened. An instance of this is the story of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is explained as this elaborate ceremony where the Pilgrims and Indians gathered in harmony at this large harvest in celebration of their coming together. According to the primary document of William Bradford’s journal, Thanksgiving didn’t pan out quite as it is explained to Americans today. In the film, The Addams Family Values, the Addams children take part in a traditional, yet misconceived celebration of the first Thanksgiving. This
The Thanksgiving story is taught in classrooms across America. It involves Pilgrims, Native Americans, and a feast. Most Americans observe this day as one of celebration. It is a gathering together of family, friends, and food. But not all people agree that this is the happiest day.
Which is a lot of people to feed. But normally not all 140 people will like the same food that's why they had a bunch of stuff right? No they did not back then they only had squash,berries and pumpkin, and ham. Which does seem pretty good but not all 140 people would probably like that. But now in days you go to a thanksgiving and there is so many choices it's not even funny. Ham,turkey,rolls,mashed potatoes,macaroni and cheese, and so many more. Thanksgiving dinners have changed so much by how much food there is and what types of food there
Thanksgiving Holiday means so much to me. I love to celebrate that extended weekend with my family. On the eve of the big day, my cousins and I meet at an elder’s house and then the festivities began. This shared feast started in 1621 with the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians sharing a harvest feast ("Thanksgiving," 2016). A portion of the food can be prepared the day before. We decide who would handle what task and when it time clean up the second generation, always try to make the third generation do it. We then continue to cook and clean and reminisce of our past year. Sometimes we would bring up our childhood pranks and stories of family members that passed and present. On the day of Thanksgiving we finish cooking,
Thanksgiving is the best holiday hands down. I’m talking even better than Christmas and Valentine's Day. I love Thanksgiving because it is during the best time of year, there is so much good food, and the meaning and purposes have stayed good and the same over the years. Christmas and Valentine's day are exciting and fun, but the little details make Thanksgiving much better. Its these little details that make the Thanksgiving holiday and season more enjoyable and pleasant.
As a kid I loved cooking and baking with my mom, but using the oven was my least favorite part. When I was really young I would make my mom put the food in the oven, I was always impressed at how easily she would put stuff in. As I got older my mom started having me put stuff in the oven, after doing it hundreds of times I started to get lazy at doing it and I wouldn’t bring the door all the way down or I would be off to far to the side. One time I on Thanksgiving I was getting Yams out of the oven and I forgot to put on the oven mitts, because the oven was off I thought that the pan wouldn’t be hot, it was very hot, I burned my fingertips and I still have scars. Little did I know those scars were not going to be anything compared to my other
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate our joys with friends and family. Unfortunately, if you are the person designated to cooking the holiday dinner, the joys can turn into complete and total fear. I'll never forget the first time I made Thanksgiving dinner for twenty family members and friends. I waited until the last minute to start and the dinner ended in a complete disaster. In the years following that failure, I have learned that preparing a Thanksgiving dinner is easy...if you plan ahead.
I have discovered that people don’t share the same Thanksgiving traditions as me. Chicken, Duck, Turkey, and Turdunkin are all enjoyed as main course meals! Vegetables, mashed potatoes, rolls, cookies, ice cream, lemon pie, and blueberry pie bars are also enjoyed on Thanksgiving. Cookies, assorted pies, and blueberry pie bars are commonly enjoyed, and they actually sound pretty tasty! The favorite part of some people’s Thanksgiving feast would be the pie and rolls. Meals aren’t always eaten with family at the table. Some families sit on the couch, while they watch tv, or they eat at a fancy restaurant. Everyone has their own customs when it comes to the holidays.
We all have family traditions, some of which we take pride in, some of which we dread and despise but, whether you know it or not they are what make us who we are. One of my favorite traditions that I can truly say I’m passionate for would have to be Thanksgiving dinner. The dinner for the holiday goes by in a blink of an eye because of all the enjoyment. However, the preparations that lead up to the day are long and prestigious even though they are what make the dinner so great. Since the holiday comes up before we know it, we get started as soon as the year hits mid fall.