
An Essay On A Journey By Bus

Decent Essays

A Journey by Bus I Have Made Or, A Journey by Bus
Occasion and planning: I was waiting for an occasion to go on a journey by bus. It at last came in the month of last October. A friend of mine lives in Khulna. He invited me to his sister’s matrimonial ceremony. My mind leapt up in great joy and excitement for getting an opportunity of traveling by bus. The day was fixed for the journey.

Beginning of journey: I reached the bus station by rickshaw. A Bus ready to leave for Khulna. It was full to it is capacity. I got into the bus and took a seat by the window. The time of the bus to leave the station came up. The guard blew the whistle and the bus started moving with a jerk. It was my first journey by bus.

Sights enjoyed: Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. There are enchanting sights, sounds colors and scenery all around her. The bus was running with full speed. There were the sights of trees and houses, hedges and bridges, mills and factories, men and animals on both the sides of the road. They all appeared to move back-ward in the twinkle of an eye. the tall trees with green leaves over-head presented a very …show more content…

The scenic beauty of the village charmed me greatly. It was very sweet to me to took into the fair and open face of the village from the bus. A vise saying then came into my memory, ‘god made the village and mane made the town.’ It was now evening. The sun was going down. It looked like a large boll of fire. The cow boys were found moving home ward driving their cattle. Birds were seen returning to their nests by rows. The last rays of the setting sun fell on the green fields and produced an unforeseen sight. It filled my heart with great joy and excitement. I could enjoy the majesty of the setting sun and the pathos of darkness and patches of cloud floating in the sky were all very charming. I thought, I got myself almost lost in a dreamland and forget the world around

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