
An Evaluation Of An Assessment Of The Boy 's Cognitive, Gross Motor, And Fine Motor Areas

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To illustrate, a 3-year-old boy at UCP-OC was initially seen to have an evaluation, conducted by a licensed occupational therapy. The evaluation consisted of an assessment of the boy’s cognitive, gross motor, oral motor, and fine motor areas. The scale used in the field is known as the Bayley Scale. The boy was assessed and was found to have a cognitive age of 24 months. He then received a variety of interventions to combat low muscle tone, don and doff clothing (putting shirt on, putting socks on), pincer grasp goals, and other goals including, crossing over midline while handwriting, and other fine motor performance areas. A typical session included the use of ADL’s (activities of daily living) to practice dressing, slides, ball pits, …show more content…

However the other majority of the DS children were able to reach their desired skills with occupational therapy treatments. Similar results were seen in self-care skills (Frank, and Esbensen, 2014). A small percentage of DS children were able to reach the same level of their peers (in self-care skills), but majority of DS children required some form of occupational therapy to meet their individual fine motor and self-care skill goals. An additional discovery was made during the study that concluded that all DS children in this particular study mastered cutting skills, and dressing skills at a later age than typically developing peers (Frank, and Esbensen, 2014). The results of this research study reinforce the importance and need for occupational therapy. Individuals with DS require the assistance of occupational therapists, because it allows them to gain fine motor and self-care skills, both of which are a part of normal daily functioning. Another common population occupational therapists see are non-special needs individuals, and needs from this diverse population can vary. A common issue seen among non-special needs children are problems related to feeding. A child does not have to be delayed physically, or cognitively to require assistance with eating from an OT. The use of forks, spoons, cups, and holding utensils

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