
An Evaluation Of The Course Review

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An evaluation of the course review reveals that there is an ethical ridge that many run along when attempting to conduct qualitative research. The IRB (Institutional Review Board) was ordained into federal law to maintain the sanctity and protection of research involving human research subjects. The rules prescribe that an evaluation must realize any potential, hazards, risks both physical and psychological that can occur during the study. The IRB review board (OHRP) *see references, must review all human research and give approval before the actual research can commence to the next levels. This process also includes any surveys, questionnaires etc... That may exist. All researchers are expected to be held responsible for ensuring that all …show more content…

Typically, this approach is derived from problem formulation as to the generation of conclusions supporting said theories. This application however is not indicative to a sound qualitative research study which fall short of adequately addressing the logic, reasoning and process involving a qualitative course of research. Qualitative studies should focus on a “research design that should be a reflexive process operating through every stage of a project” (Hammersley & Atkinson, 1995). Additionally, (Kaplan , 1964) intimated that a variation between “logic-in-use” of a certain study focus along with “reconstructed logic” involving research can be interpreted as a design-in-use type scenario as related by (Maxwell & Loomis, 2002).
The research model formulated under this process generally is composed of five characteristics as follows; validity, methods, research questions, conceptual framework and Goals. The ethical relation to the course of research according to (Maxwell & Loomis, 2002) is not specifically categorized as an individual element to the aforementioned above characterizations as they felt that it should be considered automatically adhered to each and every facet involving the research in its entirety. There is no doubt that the ethical standards involving research should be expected as purveyed by authors such as (Christians, 2000; Fien, Weis, Weseen, & Wong, 2000; Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). In conclusion it is evident that the most

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