-1Crystal D. Dozier Narrative Essay November 13, 2007 Word count: 809 My Little Blessings Children have a tendency to bring out the very best in people. I can say I have been fortunate to have four little blessings of my own. I consider each of them as a blessing and each day I am reminded of how much they mean to me. My children have brought out the best in me--parts that I never knew existed. As children grow, so do parents. I have evolved into a better person with the courage to overcome all obstacles because of the love that I have for my children. At the age of twenty, my life was full of constant turmoil and instability. I had a plan, and children were not a part of it. I never imagined that I would ever have children. …show more content…
Through the love for my son, I developed the ability to remain positive even during the most difficult times in life. Although I gained the knowledge to be a more stable and positive individual, something was still missing in my life. The missing piece soon fell into place upon the birth of my twin boys, Irijah and Isaac. A multiple birth was a miracle within itself. It seemed unreal because no one in my family was ever blessed with two babies. Although it took a lot of adjustment, we made it through the baby period. The hard part did not come until they became toddlers. (During this time), I noticed complications (in the development) (of the twins). I soon learned that although they were perfect on the outside my boys were suffering with autism. Irijah is severely autistic while Isaac’s is mild. I knew that in order to conquer this obstacle, changes would have to be made. In the beginning I was unaware of what needed to be done, but I never gave up. I continue to fight for my boys and struggle to keep my sanity. This has been the toughest fight of my life because it involves a series of changes. These changes dealt with acceptance, transition, and adaptation. These were necessary steps because it gives the boys a chance to lead a somewhat normal life. Through the love of my sons, I have learned to adapt to change and have gained strength and perseverance that is necessary in life.
successfully women before bringing a child into the world. And I wish I could change my son
Adopting my granddaughter, Azealia has changed my life in so many positive ways, despite the whirlwind of emotions that I have experienced. Countless thoughts of how I was going to care for and raise her ran through my head and I became overwhelmed. I prayed about it and asked God to help guide me, to give me strength, energy and wisdom.
I was always with other people’s children and now I was going to have one that will be here with me every second of the day. I was not able to give this one back; this child will not be with me for a small duration of time this child will be with me forever. I knew I had to make sure my child will be well-rounded. Meaning that he or she will have compassion for others, create and maintaining an academic foundation and possessing values. I had to make
“School made us ‘literate’ but did not teach us to read for pleasure.” -Ambeth R. Ocampo
As I am trying to beat the clock, seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours, and nonetheless did I knew, it was already eleven post meridiem. My eyes are desperately yearning for sleep, but my brain is forcing myself to continue, because it knows there is more books assignments and quizzes for AP Psychology, AP Art History, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, AP Language and Composition, and Academic Decathlon just waiting on my desk. Desperately typing the last few words on my essay and simultaneously reading the last few pages of my history book, I finally succeed with a mere two minutes before James Harden appear on the Late Late Show, and I finally go to sleep. Nonetheless did I know, this was only the beginning, the real race is
Children are a beautiful thing, they are a marvelous gift of God to us. A beautiful sign of His
At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward reading and writing; more so towards reading. Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very basic posts on facebook expressing one’s opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it’s the severe senioritis that has overcome me as I enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I’ve gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in my everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into the action unless it relates to something I am very
On 23Nov16 at 1026 hrs. I, Deputy Halbasch, received a voicemail from Dewayne regarding the incident.
My setbacks and challenges through being a foster child took me on a journey that continues to greater things because God’s plan is big. Hardship did not overpower me in the end. I am surrounded by people who love me. Challenges that I came to encounter turned into things I would not change for the world, like my adoption, and my Christianity. That blaze that once tore the inside of me now dispenses
I never thought the day would come where I’d have to admit to myself I had an addiction. The hardest part was to except the fact I was an addict of painkillers and admitting it to my family so that I could get the help and support needed to get clean. The road leading to my addiction started with the factors of my childhood, always trying to fit in and not being supported emotionally from my parents. Having a child at the age of sixteen was the second factor, which made me grow up faster than a normal child at my age would have had to. Living the life of an addict was a struggle everyday but, getting help was the hardest part of it all. I’ll live with this disease for the rest of my life because recovery is a
I’m still playing mom for my little brother, and it’s extremely difficult. He’s special needs so he needs more than a “regular” child. My patience often wears thin, but I’ve learned to grit my teeth and smile anyways. Although I won’t have children any time soon, this has taught me several lessons. It has taught me that responsibility does not come easy. It has taught me that having a child is not an easy thing, either. It has taught me how to get a little bit better of a grip on my anger, along with my anxiety. These are all valuable lessons that I am glad to have
Story telling is a uniquely human attribute. It is an imaginative process between the composer and responder that invites us, as the audience to engage vicariously with the experience of others. Stories or narratives have been shared in all culture as a mean of education, entertainment and also to notify the audience of the values and belief systems of our culture. The texts of ‘Through the tunnel’ and ‘Green tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe’ conspicuously highlight the ability of storytelling to empower the individual and outline storytelling as a device to inform us of values and people’s transmission is able to transcend time.
There was a time in my life when I didn’t care about much of anything. I was skipping school and hanging with the wrong crowd. I knew that this was breaking my mother’s heart but at that period I only wanted to mask my feelings and drown them in bad habits. Through the turmoil a blessing in the form of a beautiful child was created. My first born daughter arrived and changed my life forever.
Having my daughter saved my life. I remember very vividly my worst emotional breakdown. It was a freezing, bitter, winter night. I was in my apartment all alone; my roommates had gone over to another building. I can still feel the intense emotions that coursed through my veins that night: agony, loneliness, anger, frustration, panic, sorrow, and most of all, shame. I had been dealing with the absence of my family, my friends, and my boyfriend. I felt that I was being forgotten by all of them. They weren’t able to tell when I was obviously in a sad mood, no one took me seriously when I would call crying to them about my misery. This night, my emotions rushed me all at once, causing me to weep uncontrollably. My body, piece-by-piece,
In between my girls being born I was gifted another very special gift from the Lord. Though not through birth, the Lord gave me a son. One that I would raise as my own and love so deeply. Boys are much different from girls, he taught me so many new things.